Thursday, January 10, 2013


BREAKAWAY Moon leaves Earth's orbit.

FORCE OF LIFE Crewman is possessed by a heat-craving alien.

COLLISION COURSE Moon on collision course with planet. Alien Queen believes the collision is her people's destiny.

WAR GAMES Moonbase seems to be under attack and most of the crew dies, but all is not what it seems.

DEATH’S OTHER DOMINION An ice planet is discovered that is populated with people from Earth.

VOYAGER’S RETURN The old Voyager space probe is encountered by the survivors. The probe is now dangerous, leaking deadly nuetrons.

ALPHA CHILD The first child is born on the base and the child grows very quickly.

DRAGON’S DOMAIN Tony Cellini, a survivor of a deep space mission tells the crew of story of a monster inhabiting the area that the Moonbase has drifted into.

MISSION OF THE DARIANS The crew of the moonbase respond to a distress call and find a ship that has been drifting for 900 years.

BLACK SUN The moon gets drawn into a black sun with little chance of survival.

GUARDIAN OF PIRI The crew is offered a new life on the planet Prir, but Koenig is suspicious.

END OF ETERNITY Koenig frees a immortal killer from its prison.

MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH Dr. Russell's husband, believed to be dead, reappears warning them not to land on the planet, Terra Nova.

EARTHBOUND An alien ship visits the moon and announces they are on the way to Earth.

THE FULL CIRCLEE A moonbase ship returns from exploring with no crew aboard, only a dead caveman.

ANOTHER TIME, ANOTHER PLACE The moon and the base's personnel are duplicated and they find themselves orbiting Earth, but it is just a duplicate.

THE LAST SUNSET Probes from an alien intelligence land on the moon and start to change its atmosphere, making it oxygen rich.

THE INFERNAL MACHINE A living machine lands of the planet and its living companion soon dies. It wants Koenig and Dr. Russell to be his new companions.

RING AROUND THE MOON A probe from planet Triton takes over the moonbase.

MISSING LINK Koenig is injured and taken to the planet Zenno to be studied.

SPACE BRAIN A strange phenomenon in space destroys one of the moonbase's ships and takes over the mind of a crewman.

THE TROUBLED SPIRIT Scientist Mateo is trying to communicate with plants and is haunted by his own ghost.

THE TESTAMENT OF ARKADIA The moon stops traveling through space, held by the planet Arkadia. They land of the planet and find evidence that life on Earth originated on that planet.

THE LAST ENEMY The moon drifts into the middle of a war and Koenig must negotiate a cease fire.

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